How to solve connection problems with Iliad

Connection problems or no signal with Iliad? no problem just activate the 3G network.

Iliad is the fourth Italian telephone operator, and it has been for some time now that the company has been committed to expanding its range of action throughout the territory, and definitively solving all those small problems related to the quality and reception of the signal. . For this reason, Iliad is making huge investments to become independent and thus offer a better service to its customers.

This phase of expansion of the network, by Iliad, can cause many problems for users, in fact, it is not uncommon for connection problems to occur on the 4G network. This can lead to a lack of internet connection or a sharp slowdown in web browsing, not only that, but it is possible that the mobile phone is unreachable and stops receiving SMS messages, as well as making phone calls.

It is always preferable, in the event that these anomalies occur, to consult the Iliad assistance page, where all network problems are reported in real time. Therefore each user, after having consulted the Iliad web page, will be able to realize if these problems are to be attributed to Iliad or to their mobile phone.

If after this check, the problem is attributable to the Iliad 4G connection, you can perform a simple operation on the smartphone, and thus restore the connection in a few seconds.

Therefore, the only necessary operation to do is: from the settings of the mobile phone, both Android and IPhone, select the 3G network and restart the phone. But let’s see in detail how to operate both on Android and on IPhone.

How to fix Iliad connection problems on Android

As we said previously, if your Iliad SIM is no longer able to communicate, make and receive calls or send messages, you need to switch to the 3G network.

The reason why this change is necessary are linked, as we said before, to the constant expansion that the Iliad network has been undergoing in recent months.

It is therefore normal that, due to these works, the signal of your mobile phone undergoes some degradation which, fortunately, will be resolved in a short time.

So, to switch to 3G connection you need to enter the settings of the Android smartphone, click, or as they say in jargon, tap on “Connections” and then on “Mobile networks”. A new window will open from which it is possible to select the item “Network mode” and a pop-up menu will appear with the various types of connection: 2G, 3G and 4G. Select 3G, restart your phone and the Iliad card will work again.

How to fix Iliad connection problems on iPhone

Maybe you didn’t know that, but Iliad no signal problems are rarer on smartphones with iOS operating system. In the event that the Iliad SIM is giving you network problems on the iPhone, you must also switch to 3G connection mode here. This procedure is very simple to follow: open the iPhone Settings, then click on “Cellular Data Options”. Select the “data” item and finally check the 3G option. At this point the Iliad card should work again.

Iliad coverage

Needless to say, the French virtual telephone operator Iliad currently has an excellent signal quality and price ratio. In fact, to date Iliad offers over 77% coverage of the signal throughout the national territory. The work it is carrying out is bearing fruit, indeed it can be said that only Vodafone and Tim are doing better than Iliad, which respectively cover 86.9% and 83.6% of the entire national territory.

Antonio Lamorgese

Network administrator and developer. After years of experience in the industry, I designed a MYSQL data management system in PHP without writing a single line of code. Find out more....